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Bachelor's Degree Programmes: General Information


The Bachelor's Degree (Corso di Laurea: L) aims to ensure students' mastery of general scientific methods and content, also in case they are interested in acquiring specific professional knowledge (Art. 3, paragraph 4, DM October 22, 2004, no. 270).

To obtain the degree, students will acquire 180 credits, including those related to compulsory knowledge of a European language, besides Italian (Art. 7, paragraph 1, DM October 22, 2004, no. 270).

The average amount of overall learning effort undertaken by a full-time student in one year is conventionally set at 60 credits (Art. 5, paragraph 2, DM October 22, 2004, no. 270).

In addition to core courses and learning activities, all Programmes must comprise:

a) courses and learning activities that students chose independently, in line with their course contents and goals.  

b) courses and activities in one or more disciplinary areas that are related to or core  and elective courses, also with regard to contextual cultures and interdisciplinary education;

c) learning activities related to the preparation of the final exam and degree; and, with reference to the Bachelor's degree, intended to assess knowledge of at least one foreign language besides Italian;

d) courses and learning activities that are not covered under points (a) to (c) above. These are aimed at acquiring additional language skills, as well as computer, IT  relational, or other skills that are deemed to be useful for entering the job market. Other activities might be aimed at facilitating professional choices, through direct knowledge of the work sector to which the degree can provide access (Art. 10, paragraph 5, DM October 22, 2004, no. 270).

Admission procedures

The Bachelor's Degree Programs in

  • Data Analysis for Business and Finance
  • Marketing and Business Organization
  • Communication Sciences

are open access programmes.

During the first year, once enrolled with educational debts, it is necessary to take and pass the OFA test (approximately testing background knowledge in a particular subject). All details can be found at the link provided in this section.

The Bachelor's Degree Program in

  • Digital Marketing

is a restricted access program.

The initial preparation for admission to this Study Program is verified through the TOLC-E.

During the first year, those who are included in the admission ranking and enroll with a score below 7 in the Mathematics section of the TOLC-E must take and pass the OFA test. All details can be found at the link provided in this section.

Titolo card wrapper
The Bachelor's Degree Programs of the Department
Data Analysis for Business and Finance
Digital Marketing
Marketing and Business Organization
Communication Sciences