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Visiting Professors


Academic Year 2023/2024

Visiting: Prof. David BRANCALEONE
Contact Professor: Prof. Nicola Maria Dusi 
Type: Long Term 
Home Institution: Technological University of the Shannon (Ireland)

  • Seminars within the Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences and Advertising, Digital Communication, and Business Creativity: Archive Research for the History of Cinema and Media (2 ECTS, 16 hours); Photography, its Discourses, and Tensions: History and Aesthetics (3 ECTS, 24 hours); History of Cinema: Neorealism in Italy and Worldwide (3 ECTS, 24 hours).

Academic Year 2021/2022

Visiting: Prof. Rocchino MANGIERI
Contact Professor: Prof. Nicola Maria Dusi
Type: Full Term
Home Institution: Universitas de Los Andes (Venezuela)

  • Teaching hours and name of the course in which  the visiting professor’s teaching module s inserted: 72 hours "Semio-anthropology of the material culture and languages of the city" (9 ECTS, language: Italian) within the degree programmes in Communication Sciences and Advertising and Digital Communication and Business Creativity.

Visiting: Prof. April Marcie KLEIN
Contact Professor: Ms. Mascia Ferrari
Type: Short Term
Home Institution: New York University (U.S.A.)

  • Teaching hours and name of the course in which  the visiting professor’s  teaching module is inserted: 4 seminars (English): Overview of Corporate Governance Research; Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance; Empirical Research in Corporate Governance and ESG; Strategy and Management of Sustainability and Faculty seminars.

Academic Year 2020/2021

Visiting: Prof. Rocchino MANGIERI
Contact Professor: Prof. Nicola Maria Dusi
Type: Long Term
Home Institution: Universitas de Los Andes (Venezuela)

  • Teaching hours and name of the course in which  the visiting professor’s teaching module is inserted: a 24-hour module, "Semiotics of corporate communication" (3 ECTS, language: Italian), in the course of ‘Semiotics of cinema and media’ (Prof. Dusi); 2 seminars/laboratories for the Bachelor's degree programme in Communication Sciences (SCO) and for the  Master's degree programme in Advertising, Digital Communication, and Business Creativity (PICI): Laboratory of "Socio-semiotics and anthropology of the arts" (16 hours, 2 ECTS, language: Italian); Laboratory of "Body and politics, politics of the body" (16 hours, 2 ECTS, language: Italian). 

Visiting: Prof. James Mitchell HAGEN
Contact Professor: Prof. Silvia Grappi
Type: Full Term
Home Institution: Hamline University (U.S.A.)

  • Teaching hours and name of the course in which  the visiting professor’s teaching module is inserted: 48 teaching hours (6 ECTS) for the Master's degree programmme in Management and Business Communication. Teaching assignment: "Ethics, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility" (6 ECTS), taught in English.

Visiting: Prof. Junji TSUCHIYA
Contact Professor: Prof. Giuliano Lemme
Type: Short Term
Home Institution: Waseda University Toyama (Japan)

  • Seminars for the Bachelor’ Degree Programme in Management and Business Communication: Japanese Social Behavior in Risk Society: A Case Study of Epidemics; Consumption Culture and Purchasing Behavior in Contemporary Japan; Corporate Ethics and Religious Spirit in Traditional Japanese Culture; Fundamental Thoughts on Sustainability in Japanese Advanced Science and Technology. 

Academic Year 2017/2018

Visiting: Prof. Andrea Claudia HAUSMANN
Contact Professor: Prof. Anna Chiara Scapolan
Type: Short Term
Home Institution: Ludwigsburg University of Education (Germany)

  • Seminars (15): HRM and its Impact on the Performance of Creative Organizations; The Nature of Work in the Arts and the Nature of Employment Relationships; Corporate Culture, Mission, and Vision in Arts Organizations; Planning and Decision Making in Arts Organizations; Recruitment and Selection in Arts Organizations; Building Teams and Identifying Group Dynamics; Training and Development in Creative Organizations; Developing Communication Skills for Arts Managers; Conflict Management in Arts Organizations; Formal and Informal Organizational Structures; Job Evaluation and Reward Management in Arts Organizations; Leadership and the Board of Arts Organizations; Leadership and Diversity Management in Arts Organizations; Leadership in the Context of Other Management Functions; Organization and HRM in Cultural Tourism.