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Evaluating the courses you undertake (OPIS)

Student opinion survey questionnaires (OPIS): It's time to give us a grade!

Your opinion is very important to us, which is why we ask you to express your judgment on the courses you have attended by filling out the online teaching evaluation questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous, easy to complete, and allows you to highlight the strengths and weaknesses you have encountered in the teaching activities of the Department.

How to fill it out

To fill out the teaching evaluation questionnaire, you need to log on to the website and follow the path to login > University Services. On the page, you will find the list of courses you can evaluate by clicking on the "attending" or "not attending" button, depending on your enrollment mode in the course.

If you don't find the course you want to evaluate in the list, click on "Search for the teaching activity among those offered by your study program."

For any difficulties, you can write to

For further explanations, you can download the Guida alla compilazione del questionario, linked at the bottom of this page.

When to fill out the questionnaires

In the published time window, you can evaluate all the courses of the reference semester.

Why it's important

Evaluating teachings is an important activity for the effective functioning of the Department. Knowing the point of view of our students is essential to understand how to improve teaching activities and offer a more suitable service. The questionnaire is an important listening tool for the Department and an unmissable opportunity for students to express their opinions.

OPIS Results