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Testo di presentazione

Applied scientific research conducted in the Department's laboratories is essential to interact and establish significant collaborations with institutions, organizations, and businesses. Activities that are part of the so-called ‘Third Mission’ involve planning and joint management of thematic projects, as well as the implementation of outreach activities and debates aimed at fostering debate and bringing together social, economic, and institutional forces in the Emilia Romagna region. Additionally, researchers based at the Department of Communication and Economics enter into commercial agreements to set up joint research projects with businesses and institutions.

Examples of successful collaborations are:

  • agreements and framework programs intended to set up new professional study programs that are jointly designed to meet the needs of local business;
  • jointly designing and delivering continuing education modules, also carried out together with accredited entities in the Emilia Romagna region;
  • providing support for effective study-work initiatives, including project briefs aimed at formative and highly professional internships;
  • taking part in basic and applied research with local partners that provide contacts, data, and information to achieve project goals;
  • project partnerships with public administrations, in order to create and support best practices for effective welfare and citizenship policies;
  • co-design and development of analysis and monitoring tools for contents related to the 2030 Agenda objectives, in collaboration with local organizations and institutions.