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Partnerships with organisations and companies


International scientific research and applied research in the laboratories of the Department of Communication and Economics constitute the main means of interaction with institutions, organisations and companies, with which important collaborations have been consolidated. The restitution of these constructive dialogues with the territory is also expressed through third mission activities, both through popularisation activities and participation in project activities and applied research.

The Department of Communication and Economics is also committed to promoting and managing internships for its students in local, national and foreign enterprises and institutions. The aim is to create moments of alternation between study and work as part of the training processes and to facilitate the professional choices of students through knowledge of the world of work.

For students, the activities carried out during the placement award CFU and can become the subject of theses.

Companies can:

  • contribute know-how and experience to the training of students;
  • present their company to a group of young undergraduates eager to experience the world of work, by organising a presentation in the department of their company;
  • employing a graduating student for a defined and agreed period of time, during which he/she will be able to experience the academic knowledge acquired ‘in the field’ and evaluate him/her for possible subsequent collaboration.

Areas of placement:

  • Sales Office management, Marketing, Purchasing, Administration, Management Control;
  • personnel office management (selection, training, evaluation);
  • website creation and implementation;
  • external communication management: definition of communication strategies suitable for the identified targets, development of public relations strategy, interface with external communication agencies;
  • management of internal company communication: intranet management and communications to employees, drafting company magazine;
  • organisation of events;
  • press office and external relations;
  • computerisation of information.

For more information, please contact the Internship Office.

Intership Office
Manager: Dr. Manuela Bertolini
Staff: Dr. Gian Marco Regnani
Office: 1.23
Phone: +39 0522 523213, +39 0522 523206
Fax: +39 0522 523025
Phone Office Hours:
- Tuesday 10.30-12.30
- Wednesday 15.00-17.00
- Thursday 10.30- 12.30

Representative for Careers Advice: Prof. Paolo Di Toma
Office: 2.29 (Viale Allegri, 9 – 42121 – Reggio Emilia)
Phone: +39 0522 523244
Fax: +39 0522 523205