Sessione straordinaria 2023-2024
7 marzo 2025 []
23 e 24 aprile 2025 []
Sessione estiva 2024-2025
24 luglio 2025 []
Sessione autunnale 2024-2025
10 ottobre 2025 []
11 e 12 dicembre 2025 []
Sessione straordinaria 2024-2025
6 marzo 2026 []
16 e 17 aprile 2026 []
I calendari delle sedute di laurea degli anni passati sono disponibili alla pagina "Calendario delle attività", sezione "Archivio".
- Almalaurea Questionnaire - From the "Degree Achievement" page, it is possible to register and get access to the Almalaurea Consortium website. Almalaurea manages a database that collects the resumes of graduates from participating universities and makes them available to companies looking for new professional profiles. It is strongly recommended to fill out the Almalaurea Questionnaire, and to include or update your Curriculum Vitae. This can facilitate entry into the job market.
- Diploma Collection Procedures - Information regarding the collection of the graduation diploma will be sent via email to your Unimore email address and will also be posted on the university website.
- Plagiarism Check and Use of Artificial Intelligence - Final theses must be original works, independently prepared by candidates, free from plagiarism, and not supported by Artificial Intelligence. Supervising professors may verify these requirements using the "Turnitin" software and other systems. Violating these regulations will result in penalties, including skipping one graduation session, and possibly additional sanctions, as decided by the Department Council (Department Council resolution of July 11, 2023).
- Information about the Graduation Committees; Sending your Thesis to your Co-examiner - Information on the list of thesis candidates, committee members, schedules, and classrooms will be published as a file named 'Graduation Committees' one week before the session on Graduation Schedule and Commissions. Master' thesis candidates with research/experimental theses must send their thesis as a PDF to the co-examiner as soon as they receive the Graduation Committee file. The email addresses of the professors can be found in the University Directory.
- Prohibition of Logo Use - The use of university and department logos on theses and slides is prohibited.
- NO-PHOTOS POLICY - It is forbidden to film and/or take photos of candidates, committee members, and the audience during the viva (Department Council resolution of April 17, 2024).
- Photographers - Those wishing to hire a photographer can choose from the list of accredited photographers. Accredited photographers intending to attend the graduation session must notify the Graduation Office ( by email at least 3 days in advance.
- Department Color - The color of the Department of Communication and Economics is orange.
Department’s Student Office
viale Antonio Allegri, 15 - 42121 Reggio Emilia
Department’s Graduation Office
Head: Dott.ssa Antonella Epifanio
Office: 1.23
Phone: +39 0522 523128
Fax: +39 0522 523205
Phone Availability: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
In-Person/Online Office hours: make an appointment via email.