Administrative manager (educational area): Dr. Giuseppina Alda Lo Giudice
Office: 1.30
Telephone: +39 0522 523204
Telephone reception: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Minutes of the Department Council, teaching part, teachers' careers (Announcements, approval of acts and their publication on the University website) and relative extracts;
- Resolutions on student careers, advance examinations, free choices, other activities and forwarding to the student secretariat;
- Management of the Department Director's secretarial activities and relations with the University's central offices;
- Preparation of proposal to the BoD of the calendar of activities and sessions for degree, part-time and successive years;
- Master's courses (insertion of offer in Esse3, student management in Esse3, enrolment, careers, final degree);
- Management of substitutions and contracts (renewal of contracts, collection, protocol, verification of validity of applications and documentation required by the call for applications, preparation of draft minutes and reports, collection of reports on activities carried out for the Director's signature, dispatch of documentation for payment of lecturers), signing of official teaching contracts and dispatch to the offices;
- Management of supplementary teaching assignments (notices of selection and publication, collection and protocol of applications, dispatch of documents to central office for the preparation of contracts, collection of reports for the Director's signature, dispatch of documentation for teachers' payments), signing of supplementary teaching contracts and dispatch to offices;
- Management of authorisations, teachers' clearances;
- Management of internal departmental electoral activity;
- Protocol of incoming and outgoing documents;
- Management of 150-hour students;
- Complaints Portal Sare - entering/updating reports;
- GesTimex - management of administrative staff (holidays, compensation, right to study, leave for serious reasons and serious infirmity, maternity, illness, etc.), 150-hour students and Tutor “Fondo Sostegno Giovani”.
Educational Coordinator: Dr. Daniela Regnoli
Office: 1.24
Telephone: +39 0522 523212
Telephone reception: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Ordinary activities
- Uploading and management of course offerings and examination dates in the ESSE3 programme - ‘integrated teaching management system’;
- Management of time windows for filling in the teaching evaluation questionnaires (OPIS) and promotion of the same on institutional channels;
- Management of time windows for the compilation and modification of study plans for the Department's Master's Degree Courses, promotion of the same on institutional channels and support to students in their compilation;
- Incoming orientation: participation and collaboration with the University Orientation Office in organising meetings as part of the University Orientation Project; collaboration with the Departmental Orientation Commission in organising and holding specific events;
- Revision of the contents of the Department's information material (Department and University guides);
- Organisation of tutoring activities and classroom tutors (Fondo Sostegno Giovani); private listening service by appointment for freshmen in difficulty;
- Organisation and collaboration on the ‘Tutorato attivo in itinere’ project: monitoring careers in order to stem the phenomenon of drop-outs in the first year of the Department's degree courses;
- Tutoring platform management;
- Support for disabled students in their approach to the university environment and organisation, in collaboration with the University's Disabled Students' Reception Service.
Extra duties
- Department classroom management;
- Student reception service;
- Management of the Department's Moodle platform and preparation of content (creation of course backups and their restoration, assignment of roles to lecturers, creation of navigation blocks, etc.);
- ONELab (Online Education Lab) platform: collaboration with technical staff to supervise the correct delivery of lecture recording;
- Management of the departmental website and updating of the information it contains;
- Creation of posters for departmental events and control of incoming posters in compliance with the University Brandbook;
- Collaboration as a member of the review group for the ‘Communication Sciences’ and ‘Advertising, Digital Communication and Business Creativity’ study courses.
Additional staff: Dr. Manuela Fioravanzo
Office: 1.24
Telephone: +39 0522 523059
Ordinary activities
- Uploading course offerings into the EasyCourse/EasyTest programmes; planning and organisation of teaching calendars (I and II semester lecture schedules and examination dates);
- Management of Department classrooms for teaching activities (importing bookings, cancelling bookings, etc.);
- Management of the EasyApp programme and push notifications addressed to the Department's students for the use of the Unimore Calendar application;
- Management of the department's social channels (FB, Instagram and LinkedIn).