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Technical Office


Manager: Dr. Roberto Romano
Office: 2.04
Telephone: +39 0522 523017
Fax: +39 0522 523015
E-mail:; (staff responds only to requests for support from addresses and with indication of the relevant degree/master's degree course).


  • Departmental Server management/maintenance;
  • Technical contact person for the Computer Laboratory (support for users and the activities carried out therein, machine maintenance and management, multimedia equipment management, etc.);
  • Management/maintenance of network printers and photocopiers;
  • Technical support for classroom multimedia equipment;
  • Technical assistance (repairs/installation of software, etc.) on PCs for the Department's TA, teaching and research staff, also in ‘remote access’ mode;
  • Technical assistance (repairs/software installation, etc.) on PCs for teaching use;
  • Consultancy for hardware and software purchases;
  • Identity referent for the identification and subsequent registration in the University IT systems of external collaborators (visiting professors, scholarship holders, contract lecturers, etc.);
  • Department's IT contact person for the University's IS (formerly Cesia) (for issues related to the University's IT services such as e-mail, Esse3, University software licences, etc.);
  • Technical management of OFA tests and Degree Sessions.